1984 Revisited
- Ma Bell is broken up.
- Yuri V. Andropov dies at 69; Konstantin U. Chernenko, 72, named Soviet
Union leader.
- Congress rebukes President Reagan on use of federal funds for mining
Nicaraguan harbors.
- Soviet Union withdraws from summer Olympic games in U.S., and other
bloc nations follow.
- Geraldine A. Ferraro becomes the first women candidate
to run for Vice President of the U.S.
- Indian prime minister Indira Gandhi assassinated by two Sikh
bodyguards; 1,000 killed in anti-Sikh riots; son Rajiv succeeds.
- President Reagan re-elected in landslide with 59% of vote.
- Toxic gas leaks from Union Carbide plant in Bhopal, India, killing
2,000 and injuring 150,000.
- Rioting and school boycotts intensify in South Africa as efforts to
end apartheid continue.
Fun Facts
- The first megabit chip is produced at Bell Labs.
- The Soviets boycott the Summer Olympics in Los Angeles.
- Mary Lou Retton wins two gold, two silver and two bronze medals.
- Vanessa Williams becomes first black Miss America. A
title that is taken away after nude photos of her surface in Penthouse.
- "Where's The Beef!?
- Apple Macintosh introduced in February.
- Winter Olympic Games held in Sarajevo.
- Summer Olympic Games held in Los Angeles.
- There are approximately 1,000 hosts on the Internet.
- The popularity of break dancing inspires the film, "Breakin'."
- Stonewashed jeans are introduced.
- Guess? Jeans become the jean du jour for anyone under 17.
- Frankie "RELAX" t-shirts.
- Michael Jackson's hair catches fire during a Pepsi
- Run DMC is the first rap group to have a certified gold album.
- Bob Geldof, founder of "Band Aid", releases "Do They Know It's
Christmas" with all proceeds going to relief effort in Ethiopia.
- Tipper Gore forms the PMRC (Parents Music Resource Center).
Top Grossing Films
- 238,600,000 Ghost Busters (1984)
- 234,760,500 Beverly Hills Cop (1984)
- 179,870,271 Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984)
- 148,170,000 Gremlins (1984)
- 90,800,000 The Karate Kid (1984)
- 81,200,000 Police Academy (1984)
- 80,000,000 Footloose (1984)
- 76,400,000 Star Trek III: The Search for Spock (1984)
- 74,900,000 Romancing the Stone (1984)
- 68,392,977 Purple Rain (1984)
Famous Deaths
- Indira Gandhi (Indian leader)
- Francois Truffaut (French "new Wave" film director)
- Truman Capote (writer)
- Count Basie (composer, bandleader)

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